A Design for Sustainable Transportation

The pacing new commercial development in the southern part of City of College Station along with its merits has also resulted in certain major issues like improper land use, inefficient street network, improper connectivity, gridlock at street intersection, vehicular congestion, pedestrian–accessibility, walk-ability, and safety issues. The request for proposal is to draft a Form Based Code (FBC) for a district in Bryan-College Station area.

This FBC aims to resolve the above mentioned problems by looking into the new design based planning concept; and redesigning the area and the streets in accordance with the urban form and subsequently its function.The prime focus of the project is to redesign the urban built environment to promote sustainable modes of transportation; address sprawl-induced gridlock, at the intersection of major arterial & major collector, through transportation congestion mitigation strategies; create pedestrian friendly, multimodal compatible and safe environment street design. It emphasizes on design and form over land-use.

Goal of General plan
FBC aims to redesign the target area in terms of District Designation, Building Regulating Plan, Street Regulating Plan, Parks and Open Space Plan.

1.To alleviate vehicular congestion and resolve the problem of gridlock at street intersections and along the major thoroughfares
2.To create a safe and conducive environment for both pedestrians and bicyclists--to encourage walkability and bikeability; and reduce reliance upon cars
3.To improvise and encourage functioning of Regional Centers; and strengthen the local self-sufficiency

Sub Objectives
1. Enhance Street Connection and Network
2. Pedestrians First
3. Parking Regulations

Transportation Planning and Design  plays a pivotal role in this project. Since, majority of the issues mentioned earlier in this report are directly related to transportation, the general plan is primarily guided by the following transportation planning and design principles.
1. Redesigning Street Network
In order to resolve the vehicular congestion and gridlock at intersections, we shall focus mainly on enhancing the street connection and network. This can be done by,
a) redesigning street network i.e. adding, extending or removing streets.
b) increasing access to Highway-6.
2. Street Design
The streets shall be redesigned and classified into four categories namely, a) Avenues, b) Boulevards, c) Streets and d) Locals.
3. Pedestrian Precincts: Quarter-Mile Radius Concept
The prime considerations, while designing streets in a community, are enhanced pedestrian safety and comfort. The strategic location of parks, neighborhood center and parking garages shall be such that it encourages residents to walk safely and ride comfortably to these destinations. The purpose is to make the communities more sustainable by increasing walk ability and bike ability.
4. Off-street Parking
Multi-storied vertical parking shall be provided instead of large off-street parking lots. These parking garages shall be located in rear or beside the buildings. Shared parking shall be encouraged.

In this project, we addressed major transportation and land-use issues encountered by the residents of a community; drafted a FBC tregulate development to achieve a specific urban form, and shape the life of the community; proposed a strategic plan that consisted of district organization, street regulating plan, building regulating plan, parking plan; proposed transportation and urban design solutions through network and street design, node identification, strategic location of community centers, parking garages, parks and open spaces.

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